Unit 1
Chapter 1: Reviewing linear equations Methods12_2ed_Ch01-compressed.pdf Chapter 1 Linear Relations 2 Coordinate Geometry Mathematica.nb Chapter 1 Revision.docx Assignment-1.pdf 0.pptx 1A 1B Linear Equations.ppt 1C 1D Simultaneous Equations.ppt 1E inequalities.ppt 1F Using and transposing formulas .pptx Chapter 1 Linear equations.pptx
Chapter 2: Coordinate geometry and linear relations Methods12_2ed_Ch02-compressed_1.pdf Chapter 1 Linear Relations 2 Coordinate Geometry Mathematica.nb Chapter 1&2 Linear Summary Notes.pdf Chapter 2 Revision.docx Assignment-2.pdf 2A Distance_and_Midpoint.ppt 2C The equation of a straight line.pptm 2D Straight Line Graphs.pptm 2E parallel and perpendicular lines.ppt.pptm 2F Families of straight lines.pptx 2G Linear models.pptx 2H Simultaneous linear equations.pptx Chapter 2 Coordinate geometry and linear relations Revision.pptx
Chapter 4: A gallery of graphs Methods12_2ed_Ch04-compressed.pdf Chapter 4 Gallery of graphs Mathematica.nb Chapter 4 Booklet.docx Chapter 4 Summary Notes.pdf Gallery of Graphs Summary Notes.pptx Gallery of Graphs investigation 2023.nb 4A Rectangular hyperbolas .pptx 4B The truncus.pptx 4C The graph of y^2=x.pptx 4D The graph of 𝑦=√𝑥.pptx 4E Circles.pptx Chapter 4 Revision.pptx
Chapter 3: Quadratics Methods12_2ed_Ch03-compressed.pdf Chapter 3 Quadratics Mathematica.nb Chapter 3 Booklet.docx Chapter 3 Summary Notes.pdf Assignment-3.pdf 3A Expanding and collecting like terms.pptm 3B FactorisingQuadratics.pptx 3C Quadratic Equations.pptx 3D Graphing quadratics.pptx 3E Completing the square and turning points.pptx 3F Graphing quadratics in polynomial form.pptx 3G Solving quadratic inequalities.pptx 3H The general quadratic formula.pptx 3I The discriminant.pptx 3J Solving simultaneous linear and quadratic equations.pptx 3K Families of quadratic polynomial functions.pptx 3L Quadratic models.pptx Chapter 3 Revision.pptx
Chapter 7 Transformations Methods12_2ed_Ch07 compressed.pdf Chapter 7 Transformations Mathematica.nb Chapter 7 Booklet.docx Assignment_07.doc
Chapter 5: Functions and relations Methods12_2ed_Ch05 Compressed.pdf Chapter 5 Functions and Relations Mathematica.nb Chapter 5 Summary Notes.pptx Chapter 5 Booklet.docx Assignment-5.pdf Graphs Revision.pptx 5A Set notation and sets of numbers.pptx 5B Relations, domain and range.pptx 5C Functions.pptx 5D One-to-one functions and implied domain.pptx 5E Piecewise-defined functions.pptx 5F Applying function notation.pptx 5G Inverse functions.pptx 5H Functions and modelling exercises.pptx Chapter 5 Revision.pptx
Chapter 14: Circular functions Methods12_2ed_Ch14 compressed.pdf Chapter 14 Circular Functions Mathematica.nb Chapter 14 Summary Notes.pptx Chapter 14 Booklet.docx Assignment-14.pdf 14A Measuring angles in degrees and radians.pptx 14B Defining circular functions sine and cosine.pptx 14C Another circular function tangent.pptx 14D Reviewing trigonometric ratios.pptx 14E Symmetry properties of circular functions.pptx 14F Exact values of circular functions.pptx 14G Graphs of sine and cosine.pptx 14H Solution of trigonometric equations.pptx 14I Sketch graphs of y=asinn(t±ε) and y=acosn(t±ε) .pptx 14J Sketch graphs of y=asinn(t±ε)±b and y=acosn(t±ε)±b.pptx 14K Further symmetry properties and the Pythagorean identity.pptx 14L The tangent function.pptx 14M Numerical methods with a CAS calculator.pptx 14N General solution of trigonometric equations.pptx 14O Applications of circular functions.pptx Chapter 14 Circular functions.pptx
Chapter 13 Exponential functions & Logarithms Methods12_2ed_Ch13 compressed.pdf Chapter 13 Exponential functions logarithms Mathematica.nb Summary Notes.docx Chapter 13 Booklet.docx Assignment_13.doc 13A Index laws.ppt 13B Rational indices.pptx 13C Graphs of exponential functions.pptx 13D A Prep Solving two steps equations.pptx 13D B Solving exponential equations and inequalities.pptx 13D C Indices Revision.ppt 13E A Logarithms.ppt 13E B Logarithm Laws.pptx 13F A Solving Logarithmic Equations.pptx 13F B Solving Equations.ppt 13G Logarithmic Graphs.pptx 13H Log Revision.pptx
Unit 2
Chapter 6: Polynomials Methods12_2ed_Ch06 compressed.pdf Chapter 6 Polynomials Master Mathematica.nb Chapter 6 Booklet.docx Chapter-6-assignment.pdf 6A The language of polynomials.pptx 6B Division of polynomials.pptx 6C Factorisation of polynomials.pptx 6D Solving cubic equations.pptx 6E Cubic functions of the form f(x)=a(x−h)3+k.pptx 6F Graphs of factorised cubic functions.pptx 6G Solving cubic inequalities.pptx 6H Families of cubic polynomial function.pptx 6I Quartic and other polynomial functions.pptx 6J Applications of polynomial functions.pptx 6K The bisection method.pptx Chapter 6 Polynomials.pptx
Chapter 16: Rates of change Methods12_2ed_Ch16 compressed.pdf Chapter 16 Rate of Change Master Mathematica.nb Chapter 16 Booklet New.docx Chapter-16-assignment.pdf 16A Recognising relationships.pptx 16B Constant rate of change.pptx 16C Average rate of change.pptx 16D Instantaneous rate of change.pptx 16E Position and average velocity.pptx Chapter 16 Rates of change.pptx
Chapter 17: Differentiation and antidifferentiation of polynomials Methods12_2ed_Ch17 compressed.pdf Chapter 17 Differentiation and antidifferentiation Master Mathematica.nb Chapter 17 Booklet.docx Assignment-17.pdf 17A The derivative.pptx Lesson 17B Rules for differentiation.pptx Lesson 17C Differentiating xn where n is a negative integer.pptx Lesson 17D Graphs of the derivative function.pptx Lesson 17E Antidifferentiation of polynomial functions.pptx Lesson 17F Limits and continuity.pptx Lesson 17G When is a function differentiable.pptx Lesson Chapter 17 Differentiation and antidifferentiation of polynomials.pptx
Chapter 18 Applications of differentiation of Polynomials Methods12_2ed_Ch18 compressed.pdf Chapter 18 Applications of differentiation of Polynomials Master Mathematica.nb Chapter 18 Booklet.docx Assignment_18.doc 18A Tangents and normals.pptx 18B Rates of change.pptx 18C Stationary points.pptx 18D Types of stationary points.pptx 18E Application of Maximum and Minimum.pptx 18F Applications to motion in a straight line.pptx 18G Families of functions and transformations.pptx 18H Newton’s method for finding solutions to equations.pptx
Chapter 9: Probability Methods12_2ed_Ch09 compressed.pdf Chapter 9 Booklet New.docx Assignment-9.pdf Lesson 9A Sample spaces and probability.pptm Lesson 9B Estimating probabilities.pptx Lesson 9C Multi-stage experiments.pptx Lesson 9D Combining events.pptx Lesson 9E Probability tables.pptx Lesson 9F Conditional probability.pptx Lesson 9G Independent events.pptx Lesson 9H Solving probability problems using simulation.pptx Lesson 9 Probability.pptm
Unit 1 & 2 Answers Methods12_2ed_Ch26_Answers-compressed.pdf
Glossary: Methods34_2ed_Ch22.pdf
Unit 3 & 4
Chapter 1 Functions & Relations Methods34_2ed_Ch01.pdf Chapter 1 Relations and Functions Mathematica.nb Unit 3 Chapter 1 Booklet.docx 1A Set notation and sets of numbers.pptx 1B Identifying and describing relations and functions.pptx 1C Types of functions and implied domains.pptx 1D Sums and products of functions.pptx 1E Composite functions.pptx 1F Inverse functions.pptx
Chapter 2 Coordinate & Geometry Methods34_2ed_Ch02.pdf
Chapter 3 Transformations Methods34_2ed_Ch03.pdf
Chapter 4 Polynomials functions Methods34_2ed_Ch04.pdf
Chapter 5 Exponential & Logarithmic functions Methods34_2ed_Ch05.pdf
Chapter 6 Circular functions Methods34_2ed_Ch06.pdf
Chapter 7 Further functions Methods34_2ed_Ch07.pdf
Chapter 8 Revision of Chapters 1-7 Methods34_2ed_Ch08.pdf
Chapter 9 Differentiation Methods34_2ed_Ch09.pdf
Chapter 10 Applications of differentiation Methods34_2ed_Ch10.pdf
Chapter 11 Integration Methods34_2ed_Ch11.pdf
Chapter 12 Revision of Chapters 9-11 Methods34_2ed_Ch12.pdf
Chapter 13 Discrete random variables & their probability distributions Methods34_2ed_Ch13.pdf
Chapter 14 The binomial distribution Methods34_2ed_Ch14.pdf
Chapter 15 Continuous random variables & their probability distributions Methods34_2ed_Ch15.pdf
Chapter 16 The normal distribution Methods34_2ed_Ch16.pdf
Chapter 17 Sampling & estimation Methods34_2ed_Ch17.pdf
Chapter 18 Revision of Chapters 13-17 Methods34_2ed_Ch18.pdf
Chapter 19 Revision of Chapter 1-18 Methods34_2ed_Ch19.pdf
Unit 3 & 4 Answers Methods34_2ed_Ch23.pdf
Past Exam Questions & Summary Notes
Area of Study 1: Functions & Graphs 01 Graphs, Functions, and Relations.pdf 02 Domain and Range, Period and Amplitude.pdf 03 Coordinate Geometry.pdf 04 Graphs of Combined and Hybrid Functions.pdf 05 Transformations and Matrix Transformations.pdf 99 Functions and Graphs Summary.pdf
Area of Study 2: Algebra 00 Polynomial Operations.pdf 01 Manipulating Quadratic Expressions.pdf 02 Expanding and Factorising Polynomials.pdf 03 Remainder, Factor, and Rational Root Theorems.pdf 04 Polynomial Equations.pdf 10 Functional Relations.pdf 11 Periodicity and Symmetry of Circular Functions.pdf 12 Logarithms.pdf 13 Exponent and Logarithm Laws.pdf 21 Inverse Relations and Functions.pdf 22 Exponential Equations.pdf 23 Logarithmic Equations.pdf 24 0 Trigonometric Equations.pdf 24 1 Circular Function Relationships.pdf 24 2 Evaluating Circular Functions with Exact Values.pdf 25 Power Equations.pdf 31 Composite Functions.pdf 32 Composite Function Equations.pdf 41 Solutions to Equations.pdf 42 Equations of the Form f(x)=g(x).pdf 43 Literal Equations.pdf 51 Systems of Simultaneous Linear Equations.pdf 52 Number of Solutions of Systems of Linear Equations.pdf 99 Algebra Summary.pdf
Area of Study 3: Calculus 0 The Four Words at the Heart of Calculus.docx 11 Average and Instantaneous Rates of Change.pdf 12 Differentiation and the Derivative.pdf 13 Graphs of Derivative and Anti-Derivative Functions.pdf 14 0 Derivatives of Functions.pdf 14 1 Power Rule by First Principles.pdf 14 2 Exponentials and Logarithms by First Principles.pdf 14 3 Circular Functions by First Principles.pdf 14 4 Visual Derivatives of Functions.pdf 20 Derivatives of Combinations of Functions.pdf 21 Derivatives of Combinations by First Principles.pdf 22 Derivatives using Product, Quotient, and Chain Rules.pdf 23 Visual Derivatives of Combinations.pdf 31 Tangents and Normals using Derivatives.pdf 32 Intervals that are Stationary or Strictly Changing.pdf 33 Maximum Rate of Change.pdf 34 Maxima and Minima Problems.pdf 41 Anti-Differentiation.pdf 42 Deriving the Anti-Derivatives of Functions.pdf 43 Area Approximation.pdf 44 Approximation Applications.pdf 45 The Definite Integral.pdf 46 Anti-Differentiation by Recognition.pdf 47 Integration and the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus.pdf 48 Proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus.pdf 49 Properties of Anti-Derivatives and Integration.pdf 50 Finding a Function from a Rate of Change.pdf 51 Area Bound by a Curve.pdf 52 Kinematics - Straight Line Motion.pdf 53 Cumulative Effects of Growth.pdf 54 Average Value.pdf 99 Calculus Summary.pdf
Area of Study 4: Probability & Statistics 0 Random Variables.pdf 11 Discrete Random Variables.pdf 12 Events from a Sample Space.pdf 13 Sampling without Replacement.pdf 14 Statistics of Discrete Random Variables.pdf 15 Proof of Linear Combinations of Discrete Random Variables.pdf 16 Bernoulli Distribution.pdf 17 Binomial Distribution.pdf 18 Statistics of Binomial Random Variables.pdf 19 Parameters of Binomial Distributions.pdf 21 Continuous Random Variables.pdf 22 Statistics of Continuous Random Variables.pdf 23 Proof of Linear Combinations of Continuous Random Variables.pdf 24 Conditional Probability - Continuous Random Variables.pdf 25 Cumulative Density Functions.pdf 26 Normal Distribution.pdf 27 Density Functions for the Normal Distribution.pdf 28 Parameters of Normal Distributions.pdf 31 Statistical Inference.pdf 32 Sample Distribution of Proportions.pdf 33 Statistics of Sample Distribution of Proportions.pdf 34 Normal Approximation for Sample Proportions.pdf 35 Confidence Intervals for Proportions.pdf 99 Probability and Statistics Summary.pdf
Other Summary Notes