Lyn Zhang Classrooms
general methods Classes
health & 10 Maths classes
specialist & chinese classes
Lyn Zhang Classrooms
general methods Classes
health & 10 Maths classes
specialist & chinese classes
health & 10 Maths classes
Year 10 AAP Methods
Year 10 AAP Methods
Semester 1
Chapter 1: Linear relations
Ch 1 Assignment.pdf
Ch1 Linear Relations Booklet.pdf
Chapter revision_01A.docx
1A Review of algebra (Consolidating).pptx
1B Multiplying and dividing algebraic fractions.pptx
1C Adding and subtracting algebraic fractions.pptx
1D Solving linear equations.pptx
1D Expanding Brackets and Solving.pptx
1E Linear inequalities.ppt
1F Graphing straight lines (Consolidating) .ppt
1G Finding an equation of a line.pptx
Revision 1.pptx
Chapter 3: Indices and surds
Chapter 3 Indices and surds Booklet.pdf
Video 0
3A Irrational numbers including surds.ppt
Video 1
3B Adding and subtracting surds.pptx
Video 2
3C Multiplying and dividing surds.ppt
Video 3
3D 1 Binomial Products.pptx
3D 2 Rationalising the denominator.ppt
3E Review of index laws.ppt
3F Negative indices.pptx
3G Scientific notation (Consolidating).pptx
3H Rational indices.pptx
3I Exponential equations.pptx
3J Graphs of exponentials.pptx
3K Exponential growth and decay.pptx
3L Compound interest.ppt
3L Compound interest.ppt
Chapter 3 Revision.ppt
Chapter 3 Master Mathematica.nb
Chapter 3 Revision.ppt
Chapter 3 Summary Notes.docx
Chapter 5: Quadratic expressions and equations
Chapter 5 Master Mathematica.nb
Chapter 5 Assignment.pdf
Chapter 5 Quadratic Booklet.pdf
5A Expanding expressions.pptx
5B 1 Factorising 1 bracket OR1.pptx
5B 2 Factorising expressions.pptx
5C Perfect squares and difference of two squares.pptx
5D Factorising non monic quadratic trinomials.pptx
5E Factorising by completing the square .pptx
5F Prep Solving two steps equations.pptx
5F Solving quadratic equations using factorisation.pptx
5G Applications of quadratics.pptx
5H Solving quadratic equations by completing the square.pptx
5I Solving quadratic equations using the quadratic formula.pptx
Chapter 9: Statistics
Chapter 9 Statistics Booklet.docx
Core 1 Data Analysis All-in-one.nb
9A Collecting and using data.ppt
9B Review of statistical graphs.pptm
9B 2 Review of statistical graphs.pptx
9C Summary statistics.pptm
9D Box plots.pptm
9E Standard deviation (10A).pptm
Semester 2
Chapter 5 Trigonometry
Trig Booklet.pdf
Trig 2 Booklet.pdf
Trig 3 Booklet.pdf
Chapter 5 Master Mathematica.nb
5.2 Pythagoras’ theorem.pptx
5.3 Pythagoras’ theorem in 3D.pptx
5.4 Trigonometric ratios.pptx
5.5 Using trigonometry to calculate side lengths.pptx
5.6 Using trigonometry to calculate angle size.pptx
5.7 Angles of elevation and depression.pptx
5.8 Bearings.pptx
Chapter 5 Revision.pptx
Trig 2 Booklet.pdf
20.0 Angles and Angle Measure.pptx
20.2 Exact Trig Values.pptx
20.5 The unit circle.ppt
20.6 Sine Cosine Tangent Graphs.pptx
Chapter 20 Revision.pptx
Chapter 1 Indices
Indices Booklet.docx
Chapter 9 Graphs Mathematica.nb
1.2 Review of index laws.ppt
1.3 Negative indices.pptx
1.4 Fraction indices.pptx
1.5 Combining Index Laws.pptx
9.6 A Prep Solving two steps equations.pptx
9.6 Exponential equations.pptx
9.6 Graphs of exponentials.pptx
Chapter 1 Revision.ppt
Chapter 16 Logarithms
Chapter 16 Booklet.pdf
Chapter 16 Graphs Mathematica New.nb
16.7 Logarithms.ppt
16.8 Logarithm Laws.pptx
16.9 A Solving Logarithmic Equations.pptx
16.9 B Solving Equations.ppt
16.9 C Logarithmic Graphs.pptx
Chapter 16 Log Revision.pptx
Chapter 4 Simultaneous equations
Chapter 4 Booklet.docx
Chapter 4 Simultaneous Equations Mathematica.nb
4.2 Simultaneous equations graphical.ppt
4.3 Simultaneous equations Substitution.ppt
4.4 Simultaneous equations Elimination.pptx
Chapter 4 Simultaneous equations.pptx
Chapter 8 Quadratic Equations
Chapter 8 Booklet.docx
Chapter 8 Quadratic Equations Mathematica.nb
8.2 Factorising non monic quadratic trinomials.pptx
8.4 Solving quadratic equations using graphs.pptx
8.5 Solving quadratic equations using the quadratic formula.pptx
Chapter 8 Solving Quadratic Equations.pptx
Chapter 9 Probabilities
Chapter-9-Probability Textbook.pdf
Chapter 9 Booklet.doc
Lesson 9A Sample spaces and probability.pptm
Lesson 9B Estimating probabilities.pptx
Lesson 9C Multi-stage experiments.pptx
Lesson 9D Combining events.pptx
Lesson 9E Probability tables.pptx
Lesson 9F Conditional probability.pptx
Lesson 9G Independent events.pptx
Lesson 9H Solving probability problems using simulation.pptx
Lesson 9 Probability.pptm