Year 10 General Maths

1 Consumer Arithmetic Chapter 2   

Consumer Arithmetic Summary Notes.docx   Master Mathematica Consumer Arithmetic.nb   EMVIC_CORE10_Ch02.pdf   Consumer Arithmetic booklet.docx   2A Decimal, Fraction and Percentages.pptx   2B Applications of Percentages.pptx   2C Income.pptx   2D Income Taxation.pptx   2E Budgeting.pptx   2F Simple Interest.pptm   2G Compound Interest.pptm   2H Investments and Loans.pptx   2I Comparing interest using Mathematica.pptx   Chapter 2 Consumer Arithmetic Revision.pptx

2 Measurement Geometry Chapter 1AH 7AD 9AC   Measurement Summary Notes.pdf   Master Mathematica Measurement.nb

EMVIC_CORE10_Ch01.pdf   Measurement Booklet.docx   1A Conversion of units.pptx   1B Perimeter.pptx   1C Circumference.ppt   1D Area.ppt   1E Area of circles and sectors.pptx   1F Surface area of prisms.pptx   1G Surface area of a cylinder.pptx   1H Volume of solids.pptx

EMVIC_CORE10_Ch07.pdf   Geometry Booklet.docx   7A Parallel lines.pptx   7B Triangles.pptx   7C Quadrilaterals.pptx   7D Polygons.pptx

EMVIC_CORE10_Ch09.pdf   Chapter 9 Booklet ABC.docx   9AB Pythagoras’ theorem.pptx   9C Pythagoras’ theorem in 3D.pptx

3 Probability Chapter 4AF   

Probabilities Summary Notes.pdf   EMVIC_CORE10_Ch04.pdf   Probability Booklet.docx   4A Review of probability.pptx   4B Venn diagrams.pptx   4C Two way tables.pptm   4D Conditional probability.pptx   4E Using tables for two-step experiments.pptx   4F Using tree diagrams.pptm

4 Indices Chapter 3GJ

Indices Summary Notes.docx   EMVIC_CORE10_Ch03.pdf   Algebra 2 Booklet.docx   3G Review of index laws.ppt   3H Index Laws.pptx   3I Negative indices.pptx   3J Significant Figures.pptx   3J Scientific notation.pptx

5 Statistics Chapter 5AI

Statistics Summary Notes.pdf   Master Mathematica Statistics.nb  EMVIC_CORE10_Ch05.pdf   Statistics Booklet.docx   5A Collecting data.ppt   5B Frequency tables, column graphs and histograms.pptx   5C Dot plots and stem-and-leaf plots.pptm   5D Range and measures of centre.pptm   5E Quartiles and outliers.pptm   5F Box plots.pptm   5G Time Series.pptx   5H Bivariate data and scatter plots.pptm   5I Line of best fit.ppt   Chapter 5 Revision.pptx

6 Algebra Chapter 3AD 8AD   Algebra Summary Notes.pdf   Chapter 3 8 Master Mathematica.nb

EMVIC_CORE10_Ch03.pdf   Algebra 1 Booklet.docx   3A Algebraic expressions.pptm   3B Simplifying algebraic expressions.pptx   3C Expanding algebraic expressions.pptx   3D 1 Greatest_Common_Factor.ppt   3D 2 Factorising algebraic expressions.pptm

EMVIC_CORE10_Ch08.pdf   Chapter 8 Booklet.docx   8A 1 Substitution.pptx   8A 2 Solving two steps equations.pptx   8B Expanding Short Version.pptx   8C Solving linear equations.pptx   8C Substituting-into-A formula Constructing-a table-values.ppt   8D Linear inequalities.ppt

7 Straight Line Graphs Chapter 6AL

Straight line graphs Summary Notes.pdf   Master Mathematica Chapter 6 Straight Line.nb   EMVIC_CORE10_Ch06.pdf   Chapter 6 Booklet AL.docx   6AB Distance time graphs.pptx   6C Linear Graphs Table.pptx   6D Midpoint Line segment length.pptx   6E Gradients.pptx   6F Rate of change.pptx   6G Gradient Y-intercept.pptx   6H Parallel and Perpendicular Lines.pptx   6I graphing using intercepts.pptx   6J Linear Modelling.pptx   6K Constant of Proportionality.pptx   6L Inverse Proportion.pptx   Chapter 6 Revision.pptx