Specialist Maths

Unit 1

Chapter 1: Algebra I   Chapter-1-Algebra-I Textbook.pdf  Assignment-1.pdf  Specialist Set Questions (Ch1 and Ch2).docx  Specialist Chapter 1 Unit 1 Revision.pptx

Chapter 2: Number systems and sets   Chapter-2-Number-systems-and-sets Textbook.pdf  Assignment-2.pdf  Lesson 2A Set notation.pptm  Lesson 2B Sets of numbers.pptx  Lesson 2C The modulus function.pptx  Lesson 2D Surds.pptm  Lesson 2E Natural numbers.pptm  Lesson 2F Linear Diophantine equations.pptx  Lesson 2G The Euclidean algorithm.pptm  Lesson 2H Problems involving sets.pptx  Chapter 2 Revision.pptx

Chapter 4: Sequences and series   Chapter-4-Sequences-and-series Textbook.pdf  Assignment-4.pdf  Lesson 4A Introduction to sequences.pptx  Lesson 4B Arithmetic sequences.pptm  Lesson 4C Arithmetic series.pptx  Lesson 4D Geometric sequences.pptx  Lesson 4E Geometric series.pptx  Lesson 4F Zeno's paradox and infinite geometric series.pptx  

Chapter 7: Principles of counting   Chapter-7-Principles-of-counting Textbook.pdf  Assignment-7.pdf  Lesson 7A Basic counting methods.pptx  Lesson 7B Factorial notation and permutations.pptx  Lesson 7C Permutations with restrictions.pptx  Lesson 7D Permutations of like objects.pptx  Lesson 7E Combinations.pptx  Lesson 7F Combinations with restrictions.pptx  Lesson 7G Pascal's triangle.pptx  Lesson 7H The pigeonhole principle.pptx  Lesson 7I The inclusion–exclusion principle.pptx  

Unit 2

Chapter 5: Algebra II   Chapter-5-Algebra-II Textbook.pdf  Assignment-5.pdf  Lesson 5A Polynomial identities.pptx  Lesson 5B Quadratic equations.pptx  Lesson 5C Applying quadratic equations to rate problems.pptx  Lesson 5D Partial fraction.pptx  Lesson 5E Simultaneous equations.pptx  Lesson Chapter 5 Algebra II.pptx

Chapter 13: Trigonometric ratios and applications   Chapter-13-Trigonometric-ratios-and-applications Textbook.pdf  Assignment-13.pdf  Lesson 13A Reviewing trigonometry.pptx  Lesson 13B The sine rule.pptx  Lesson 13C The cosine rule.pptx  Lesson 13D The area of a triangle.pptx  Lesson 13E Circle mensuration.pptx  Lesson 13F Angles of elevation, angles of depression and bearings.pptx  Lesson 13G Problems in three dimensions.pptx  Lesson 13H Angles between planes and more difficult 3D problems.pptx  Lesson Chapter 13 Trigonometric ratios and applications.pptx

Chapter 16: Complex numbers   Chapter-16-Complex-numbers Textbook.pdf  Assignment-16.pdf  Lesson 16A Starting to build the complex numbers.pptx  Lesson 16B Multiplication and division of complex numbers.pptx  Lesson 16C Argand diagrams.pptx  Lesson 16D Solving equations over the complex numbers.pptx  Lesson 16E Polar form of a complex number.pptx  Lesson Chapter 16 Complex Numbers Summary.pptx

Chapter 20: Vectors   Chapter-20-Vectors Textbook.pdf  Assignment-20.pdf  Lesson 20A Introduction to vectors.pptx  Lesson 20B Components of vectors.pptx  Lesson 20C Scalar product of vectors.pptx  Lesson 20D Vector projections.pptx  Lesson 20E Geometric proofs.pptx  Lesson 20F Vectors in three dimensions.pptx  Lesson Chapter 20 Vectors summary.pptx

Chapter 9: Geometry in the plane and proof   Chapter-9-Geometry-in-the-plane-and-proof Textbook.pdf  Assignment-9.pdf  Lesson 9A Points, lines and angles.pptx  Lesson 9B Triangles and polygons.pptx  Lesson 9C Congruence and proofs.pptx  Lesson 9D Pythagoras' theorem.pptx  Lesson 9E Ratios.pptx  Lesson 9F An introduction to similarity.pptx  Lesson 9G Proofs involving similarity.pptx  Lesson 9H Areas, volumes and similarity.pptx  Lesson 9I The golden ratio.pptx  Lesson Chapter 9 Geometry in the plane and proof.pptx

Chapter 10: Circle geometry   Chapter-10-Circle-geometry Textbook.pdf  Lesson 10A Angle properties of the circle.pptx  Lesson 10B Tangents.pptx  Lesson 10C Chords in circles.pptx  Lesson Chapter 10 Circle geometry.pptx

Chapter 14: Further trigonometry   Chapter-14-Further-trigonometry Textbook.pdf  Lesson 14A Symmetry properties.pptx  Lesson 14B The tangent function.pptx  Lesson 14C Reciprocal functions and the Pythagorean identity.pptx  Lesson 14D Addition formulas and double angle formulas.pptx  Lesson 14E Simplifying acosx+bsinx.pptx  Lesson Chapter 14 Further trigonometry.pptx

Chapter 15: Graphing techniques  Chapter-15-Graphing-techniques Textbook.pdf  Assignment-15.pdf  Lesson 15A Reciprocal functions.pptx  Lesson 15B Locus of points.pptx  Lesson 15C Parabola.pptx  Lesson 15D Ellipses.pptx  Lesson 15E Hyperbolas.pptx  Lesson 15F Parametric equations.pptx  Lesson 15G Polar coordinates.pptx  Lesson 15H Graphing using polar coordinates.pptx  Lesson 15I Further graphing using polar coordinates .pptx  Lesson Chapter 15 Graphing techniques.pptx